Tap into your Innate Wisdom

Qigong, simply translated as energy cultivation, encompasses practices aimed at improving health and well-being.

There are three "schools" of Qigong: martial, medical, and spiritual. Each serves as a gateway to health and transformation. Regardless of the chosen approach, each school consists of a two-fold path: personal development and service. In the realm of Medical Qigong, these paths involve healing oneself and extending that healing to others.

By restoring the body's alignment and harmony, Medical Qigong addresses  imbalances, stagnations, and obstructions. This process clears pathways, allowing the release of physical pain, deep-seated emotions, and past traumas.

Healing is achieved when energy flows freely, without restraint or stagnation, naturally circulating through the body's channels and organs. This results in a natural vibrancy that radiates outward.

Medical Qigong Practitioner

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Be present in Stillness and Clarity 
meeting all with an Open Awakened Heart

Online Trainings

Live in real-time with a Master Instructor, learn, train, and embody the teachings from the comfort of your own home without losing the depth of teachings. This is a good alternative for those not wishing to travel.

We offer a variety of training opportunities — Qigong, meditation, Daoist training, scriptural studies, and more. 

Online Trainings

Learn, train, and embody, at your own pace. This is  from the comfort of your own home without losing time away from your day-to-day responsibilities.

We offer a variety of self-paced training opportunities — Qigong, meditation, scriptural studies, and more.
Spiritual freedom and oneness with the Dao are not randomly bestowed gifts, but the rewards of conscious self-transformation and self-evolution.
Laozi, HHC 70
The medical qigong program had a profound impact on me. I was already in the qigong and chinese martial art world for about 10 years before entering this program. In one word, I could describe what that program did on me by using 'embodiment'. 

I’m deeply grateful for his (Dr. Shannon’s) presence in my life. I was able to break a lot of patterns with him. He was always, accessible, open, supportive and present in a good wu wei way. I felt that he deeply understood me and that was touching. By his teaching, we can feel his humanity - his joys and his sorrows but more importantly, we feel that what he teaches us is authentic because he made the travels himself. He’s humble enough to admit his errors and what he understood from it. It gives us confidence in him but in us as well to make that journey toward ourselves. 

Thank you for your presence and teachings, 
Mathieu gravel
Learning from Dr. Bernard Shannon has been a privilege and an honor. His skill in matters of not only Chinese medicine but Medical QiGong and philosophical views has had a profound affect on my life. Taking classes, even if only online, the compassion and knowledge he effortlessly shares with all who take the time to listen is life changing. 

No one else I've met has such a positive life changing influence on daily life. Not only speaking of his Medical QiGong teachings but how your perception of life on a daily basis is guided in a positive way if the time is taken to study and put in the work required to become a better person. 

I've spent more than half of my search for a teacher and friend who has the ability to help you feel the peace in life and with all of your surroundings at every moment we all are searching for. 

Learning from Dr. Shannon's teachings fills all voids most all people struggle with and may not know they are looking but by simply listening to him talk. Things in other aspects of life fall into place, leaving everyday more enjoyable. The positive energy he puts off can not be put into words. 

Thank you can't say enough!! If you desire a better life and understanding contact the International Medical QiGong College for an overall better understanding of energy work and how to feel the harmony of life we all deserve.
This program has changed my life more than anything else I've ever done. 

Not only is Dr. Shannon an amazing teacher filled with knowledge and experience, he is clearly committed to his own spiritual development and change more so than anyone I've ever met. 

He really cares for each student in the class and wants each one of us to reach our full potential, while also respecting our personal boundaries and encouraging each person to walk their own path of spiritual growth. 

In this program I've also made friendships with my amazing classmates, whom I can speak with openly unlike anyone else in my life. 

If someone were going to pursue any spiritual school or energetic modality, I'd encourage them to do this above any other. If you are interested at all in this program, sign up for MQP1 and get a feel for the program for yourself!
This training is better than I ever dreamed of or imagined! The material presented is mind-blowing! Dr. Shannon is meticulously prepared in the material and his ability to transfer knowledge.

He delivered teachings with a suppleness that was both calming to the heart and invigorating for the soul.

Thank you for your selfless generosity in offering such powerful teachings.
 Thomas Majeski 
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