Resting in Stillness

Chaos begins to settle into stillness.
  • Monday, December 1 - Friday, December  5, 2025
  • In-Person Intensive Seminar
  • Prerequisite: MQP,  MQT, MQM, and D1 - D2 with the IMQC. If wish to enroll and you have trained with someone else, please contact us.
  • NCCAOM PDA/CEU: 32 hours
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Resting in Stillness

Course Overview

The Original Mind having been restored to its rightful place in the center, the light of the celestial energy gradually grows and the darkness of mundane acquired energy gradually wanes. In finding stillness, this continues until there is no more growth or waning. 

Not by asceticism and withdrawal from society, but through actively engaging in duress with your personal history, unresolved emotions, others and society. This will assess the mind and heart’s ability to maintain its quiescence.

In this seminar, we will introduce new levels of Neigong for cultivation and clinical techniques while prior skills continue refining, to include the development of Respect and releasing the Acquired through Interception of Karma.

Travel tips, Accommodations, and Class Information (pdf)