Yi Jing | ☷ 坤 (Kūn): The Receptive Earth

Thursday, April 24, 2025, 4 - 6pm CT

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Daoist training
  • Level: Entry
  • Lecture time: 2 hours
  • Access: 90 days

Course overview
坤 (Kūn) is one of the eight primary trigrams in the Yi Jing (I Ching) and represents the pure essence of yin energy. Symbolized by three broken lines (☷), Kūn embodies receptivity, nurturing, and the the supportive power grounding stability of the earth.  

As the complement to 乾 (Qián), which symbolizes heaven and creativity, Kūn reflects the grounding and sustaining forces of existence. 

Kūn teaches that true strength lies in adaptability and the quiet power of support and harmony.
In addition to Dao talks, scriptural work, mystical study (玄学 xuan xue) and meditation, this year’s monthly Daoist training will focus on the Book of Changes (一经 Yi Jing).

The Yi Jing, or Book of Changes, is a revered Chinese divination text that offers wisdom bridging spiritual, philosophical, and practical realms through its eight symbolic trigrams. By exploring the teachings of the Yi Jing, seekers can harness ancient wisdom for personal growth, decision-making, and spiritual enrichment.

☷ Earth (坤 Kūn)

坤 (Kūn) is one of the eight primary trigrams in the Yi Jing (I Ching) and represents the pure essence of yin energy.

Symbolized by three broken lines (☷), Kūn embodies receptivity, nurturing, and the grounding force of the Earth. It complements 乾 (Qián), the Creative, by offering balance and harmony through its yielding and supportive nature.

While Qián initiates and creates, Kūn sustains and nourishes. Its broken lines reflect softness, adaptability, and the quiet strength found in yielding to natural forces. It is the essence of fertility, growth, and the foundation upon which all life thrives.

The qualities of Kūn include:

  • Receptivity: The ability to embrace and support without resistance.

  • Nurturing: Providing sustenance and care to enable growth.
  • Humility: Groundedness and the wisdom to follow rather than lead.

  • Adaptability: The power of flexibility and patience.
  • Patience: Waiting for the right time to act. 

In the Yi Jing, Kūn teaches that strength can be found in yielding and wisdom in humility. It reminds us that following natural rhythms and embracing stillness can be just as powerful as taking bold action. Kūn represents the Daoist principle of wu wei (non-action), where harmony is achieved by aligning with the flow of life. 

Kūn, as the Receptive, encourages us to embrace the wisdom of the Earth: quiet strength, humility, and unwavering support for all creation.

What's included?

Lecture - 2 hours 


You will have a full 90 days to explore and embody this beautiful practice.