Yi Jing | Conclusion

Thursday, November 6, 2025, 4 - 6pm CT

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Daoist training
  • Level: Entry
  • Lecture time: 2 hours
  • Access: 90 days

Course overview
The understanding and transformation which is possible through the breadth and scope of the Yi Jing is awe-inspiring. 

Over the past nine months, we have gone into detail with of each Eight Trigrams drawing deep into their meaning with hopes of unlocking the profundity they contain. 

This event is the summary of this journey. It will draw together all the constituent pieces of the puzzle and elucidate what mysteries have been shown and hint at others yet to be found. 
In addition to Dao talks, scriptural work, and meditation, this year’s monthly Daoist training will focus on the Book of Changes (一经 Yi Jing).

The Yi Jing, or Book of Changes, is a revered Chinese divination text that offers wisdom bridging spiritual, philosophical, and practical realms through its eight symbolic trigrams. By exploring the teachings of the Yi Jing, seekers can harness ancient wisdom for personal growth, decision-making, and spiritual enrichment.


The Book of Changes, the Yi Jing, offers a comprehensive system of divination and a lens through which to view life’s ebb and flow.

Over the past nine months, we have gone into detail with of each Eight Trigrams drawing deep into their meaning with hopes of unlocking the profundity they contain.

This training is the summary of this journey. Understand the meaning of hexagrams based upon which of the Eight Trigrams it has been built. Draw together all the constituent pieces of the puzzle and elucidate what mysteries have been shown.

What's included?

Lecture - 2 hours 


You will have a full 90 days to explore and embody this beautiful practice.