Prayer Training
Big Eight Series: Purify the Mouth 净口神咒
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Daoist training
Level: Entry
Video time: 2 hours
Audio: Almost 2 hours on 4 tracts
Access: 90 days
Handouts: 2
Course overview
Purify the Mouth (淨口神咒 jīng kǒu shén zhòu) is the second of the Big Eight Morning Prayers 八大神咒.
It is through the mouth that thought manifests into this realm. Thus, if the energy is impure or polluted, your ability to connect with others, higher consciousness, the immortals, and Source will be affected.
As this prayer refreshes your connection to Source, it clears unneeded energetic cords to people, places and things. It can also reduce or eliminate the influence others may have upon you.
It is through the mouth that thought manifests into this realm. Thus, if the energy is impure or polluted, your ability to connect with others, higher consciousness, the immortals, and Source will be affected.
As this prayer refreshes your connection to Source, it clears unneeded energetic cords to people, places and things. It can also reduce or eliminate the influence others may have upon you.
It is through the mouth that thought manifests into this realm. Thus, if the energy is impure or polluted, your ability to connect with others, higher consciousness, the immortals, and Source will be affected.
It refines the physical, energetic, and spiritual attributes of the mouth, tongue, teeth, throat, heart, and fluids of the body. In this purification, a primary way in which we transmit and receive energy through speech and taste will be better aligned with our true nature.
This prayer is used to cleanse and purify the energy of your words, intent and connection and to ensure that the message will not be distorted. It can also be used after a conversation to rid the undesired energies and influence of others and refresh your mind.
The Chinese idiom 一字千金 (yī zì qiān jīn), which means one word worth a thousand in gold or each word is highly valued, illustrates the importance of this prayer in that your words should be truthful and compassionate. This integrity in speech is what keeps your energy moving and you free from stagnation.
As one works this prayer — turbid expelled; words arrive from stillness; taste purified; and truth awakened.
What's included?
Lecture - 2 hours
Beyond the literal translation lie deeper meanings. This lecture offers line by line translations which seek to convey the richness within the scriptures.
Recitation Practice - 20 and 60 minute Moderate Pace
These are 20 and 60 minute recitation practices at a moderate pace. As you become familiar with the prayer, this will guide you towards deeper levels of awareness.
Pronunciation - Audio
This recording provides a single slow repetition of the prayer to ensure clarity of tones for the characters.
Written Prayer
Complete with Chinese characters, pinyin, a literal translation, and a Master Teacher’s interpretation of the prayer.
Recitation Practice - 20 minute Slow Pace
This slow paced, 20 minute recitation practice helps those new to the prayer to embrace the energy.
You will have a full 90 days to explore and embody this beautiful practice.
What our learners say
I was pleasantly surprised to experience an intense quality of Qi during Shifu's teaching even though the instruction occurred in a Zoom classroom.
It was quite extraordinary and again, unexpected. It did indeed provide me with a sense of community.
It was quite extraordinary and again, unexpected. It did indeed provide me with a sense of community.