Therapist series - T2

Medical Qigong Dao Yin Therapy and Rectifying Qi Deviations

Gain a deeper understanding of the internal principles of postural, respiratory and mental Dao Yin training.
  • Monday, April 21 - Friday, April 25, 2025
  • In-Person Intensive Seminar
  • Prerequisite: MQP and T1 with the IMQC. If wish to enroll and you have trained with someone else, please contact us. 
  • NCCAOM PDA/CEU: 32 hours
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Course Overview

This course is designed to introduce students to the study of proper Dao Yin training and rectifying qi deviations.  Time is spent gaining a deeper understanding of the internal principles of postural, respiratory and mental Dao Yin training so that students develop a deeper comprehension of the body's energetic relationship to the physical structure as well as deviations of the psyche. Time will be spent discussing Qi Deviations, their development and how to rectify them.
Course content will include:
  • Discuss the qigong postures appropriate for medical qigong therapy and their applications
  • Demonstrate Qi Walking and discuss applications as client exercises
  • Demonstrate and discuss various forms of Postural Dao Yin Training, Respiratory Dao Yin Training and Mental Dao Yin Training.
  • Demonstrate and describe several methods of rectifying Qi Deviations.

  • NCCAOM Attestation
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