Daoshi Training

Big Eight Series:
Opening the Scriptures 开经玄蘊咒  

Thursday, September 26, 2024, 4 - 6pm CT

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Daoist training
  • Level: Entry
  • Video time: 2 hours
  • Audio: Almost 2 hours on 4 tracts 
  • Access: 90 days
  • Handouts: 2

Course overview
Opening the Scriptures 开经玄蘊咒 (kāi jīng xuán yùn zhòu), is the eighth of the Big Eight Morning Prayers 八大神咒. 

This prayer guides the practitioner in unlocking of the profound truths that lie concealed within scriptures. It aids the process of unraveling the mysteries and penetrating the veils of illusion that shroud spiritual teachings. In Daoist philosophy, scriptures are not merely texts to be read and memorized but gateways to the realm of transcendental wisdom, pointing the way to enlightenment and liberation. 

As practitioners recite the prayer, they invoke the power of opening, breaking through the barriers of ignorance and delusion that obstruct their understanding of the sacred scriptures.

Daoshi trainings are only for ordained Daoist Priests of the Temple of Peace and Virtue.


At its core, Opening the Scriptures is a sacred incantation for unlocking (开 kāi) the profound (玄 xuán) meaning (蘊 yùn) of scriptures, symbolizing the process of unraveling the mysteries and penetrating the veils of illusion that shroud spiritual teachings.

The prayer begins with the invocation of opening (开 kāi), signifying the unlocking of the hidden teachings and the illumination of the path to spiritual realization. As practitioners recite the prayer, they invoke the power of opening, breaking through the barriers of ignorance and delusion that obstruct their understanding of the sacred scriptures.

Simultaneously, the prayer invokes the profound (玄 xuán) essence of the scriptures, acknowledging their hidden depths and esoteric meanings that transcend the limitations of ordinary perception. In Daoist tradition, scriptures are regarded as repositories of timeless wisdom, containing within their verses the secrets of the universe and the keys to spiritual liberation. By invoking the profound essence of the scriptures, practitioners establish a deep connection with the divine wisdom that flows through their words, allowing it to illuminate their minds and hearts.

As the prayer unfolds, it penetrates the veils of illusion and reveals the hidden truths (蘊 yùn) that lie concealed within the scriptures. In Daoist cosmology, the universe is a vast web of interconnectedness, where every phenomenon contains within it the seeds of enlightenment and liberation. Through the practice of prayer recitation and contemplation, practitioners unlock the hidden meanings of the scriptures, uncovering the profound truths that lie at their core.

Moreover, Opening the Scriptures serves as a beacon of guidance and inspiration for seekers on the spiritual path, illuminating their journey with the light of wisdom and understanding. As practitioners recite the prayer, they invoke the blessings of the sages and spiritual masters who have walked the path before them, drawing strength and inspiration from their timeless teachings.

In conclusion, Opening the Scriptures stands as a testament to the transformative power of sacred scriptures in the Daoist tradition. Through its invocation of opening, its reverence for the profound essence of the scriptures, and its revelation of hidden truths, the prayer offers practitioners a profound pathway to spiritual realization and enlightenment. As they engage in this sacred practice, they unlock the doors of perception and awaken to the boundless expanse of the divine wisdom that flows through all things.

Advanced Daoist practitioners may use this prayer in combination with various rituals, meditation techniques, and invocations.

What's included?

Lecture - 2 hours 

Beyond the literal translation lie deeper meanings. This lecture offers line by line translations which seek to convey the richness within the scriptures. 

Recitation Practice - 20 and 60 minute Moderate Pace

These are 20 and 60 minute recitation practices at a moderate pace. As you become familiar with the prayer, this will guide you towards deeper levels of awareness.

Pronunciation - Audio

This recording provides a single slow repetition of the prayer to ensure clarity of tones for the characters.

Written Prayer

Complete with Chinese characters, pinyin, a literal translation, and a Master Teacher’s interpretation of the prayer.

Recitation Practice - 20  minute Slow Pace

This slow paced, 20 minute recitation practice helps those new to the prayer to embrace the energy.


You will have a full 90 days to explore and embody this beautiful practice.
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