Open Training

Big Eight Series: Conclusion 

Thursday, November 21, 2024, 4 - 6pm CT

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Daoist training
  • Level: Entry
  • Lecture time: 2 hours
  • Access: 90 days

Course overview
The personal growth and transformation which is possible through the breadth and scope of the “Big Eight” Incantations is awe-inspiring. 

Over the past nine months, we have gone into detail with the meaning of each character, phrase, and paragraph of the prayers drawing deep into their meaning with hopes of unlocking the profundity they contain. 

This event is the summary of this journey. It will draw together all the constituent pieces of the puzzle and elucidate what mysteries have been shown and hint at others yet to be found. 
The “Big Eight” Incantations of the Morning and Evening Prayers of the Complete Reality Sect (全真玄门早晚功课) are part of the liturgy that connects the practitioner with the Dao (the Way) and the celestial beings that govern cosmic harmony.

These prayers are meant to ground the practitioner in the cosmic order, seeking blessings for physical health, protection, spiritual enlightenment, and harmony with the forces of nature. They are typically recited in the early morning as a way to begin the day with mindfulness and reverence for the Dao and its manifestations.

These eight have been selected from the complete set because they lay the foundation, and because they represent a minimal standard of practice for a diligent disciple. As the groundwork upon which all subsequent Morning and Evening Prayers are built, they clear what is turbid and unsettled. They then bring peace, clarity, and transformation of the heart, body, mind, and spirit. With this foundation solidly in place, our journey will have merit, and we are able to find true tranquility.
If you’re practicing Daoist morning prayers yourself, focusing on visualization and a sense of calm alignment with these deities can deepen your spiritual connection.

What's included?

Lecture - 2 hours 

Beyond the literal translation lie deeper meanings. This lecture offers line by line translations which seek to convey the richness within the scriptures. 


You will have a full 90 days to explore and embody this beautiful practice.