Jan 20

Finding Stillness through Breath – Counting the Breath

Stillness is longed for - for many it is a peak goal of training. In truth, stillness is a mere point of demarcation. It is a place to begin deeper work – unfolding the deeper mysteries of cultivation and alchemy.

One method to find stillness is through breathwork. There are many practices that can used – this one is Counting the Breath, which is particularly helpful for those with constant internal chatter. It uses self-talk to harness the mind with the breath which synergistically sedate the mind into levels of stillness.

The practice is very simple and straightforward. Start by counting to 10 and then back down to 1 again repeating the following phrase:

“I am aware that I am breathing in.” (slowly inhale then pause breath gently);
(slowly exhaling) “I am aware that I am breathing out – 1.”

(breathe in / breath out)

“I am aware that I am breathing in.” (slowly inhale then pause breath gently);
(slowly exhaling) “I am aware that I am breathing out – 2.”

(breathe in / breath out)

“I am aware that I am breathing in.” (slowly inhale then pause breath gently);
(slowly exhaling) “I am aware that I am breathing out – 3.”

(breathe in / breath out)

 AND SO ON …4…10….3,2,1

Once complete, allow yourself to dissolve into the underlying unified vibrational resonance and rhythms of the body.

When you can do this with ease, increase the count to 20. Then, increase to 30. And so on. If you can go up to 100 and back down to 1 again consistently, then you will have developed such inner mental power that you'll be able to achieve anything in life that you set your mind to.